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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

30 Minutes or Less to Meal Time

When I come home at night I want to eat, naturally, but what I really want is to spend oodles of time with my family. I don't want to slave away wowing my family and cooking up a storm during the week for just us. They want my attention and my time and I want to give it to them. So if I "whip" up food (read: hunker-down and cook)I take away precious time from my family. Not to mention I'm then stuck with a ton of dishes to wash. So my mission has been about making really good food that has full flavor and substance without a great deal of fuss. I want to introduce my children to new things so they have a broad appreciation for edibles. I think that's what most people want during the week, as well.

I hear you and I answer with a new function on the blog called "30 Minutes or Less." Please take a minute to check-out the newest side-bar link to recipes that have been posted already but that are really quick. I'll continue to add to the list as long as you continue to cook!

Happy eating and enjoy.

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