Today we celebrated my daughter's 5th birthday. Really, I can't believe that she is nearly five - seems almost impossible.
She told me she wanted a Tinkerbelle cake and after thinking long and hard, I felt the Tink pan by Wilton would not cut it this time. So I informed my husband that he would need to make "wings" and hot glue them to the torso of a "pick-doll" and we would make Tinkerbelle. After staying up late cutting and gluing and such, my daughter alerts me in the morning to the fact that the doll did not look like Tinkerbelle. I felt bad, but knew that would happen - it wasn't the pixie but a make-believe look-a-like. But she made me feel better a few minutes later when she told me that she realized it was Tinkerbelle's sister! This revelation made us both feel better.
Ultimately, I was pleased with the cake and I think our friends and family felt that way, too. Next time I have to figure out how to get more icing into the middle of the cake! But for now, it was a great first try.
for the recipe to make the yellow cake and buttercream frosting, check here:
Oh, PS: I used the Wilton Wonder Mold for the cake. You can find it online.
this is a triumph, MHC!
This is such a beautiful cake. What a masterpiece.
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