I suppose it's been more than 10 years since I subscribed to The Magazine of La Cucina Italiana (I'm not even sure it still exists but I do have every issue I received). It was a gorgeous magazine that was all about Italy and it's varied regions and the glorious food that comes from those regions. It was an amazing read and becauase of it I have fallen in love with places I've never even been to. Each and every time I read the magazine and saw the photos, I grew more and more curious about the woman responsible for making me so happy to read these articles and cook the foods she wrote about. Micol Negrin was her name. I was so interested that I took a class with her that was hosted by the magazine and I made a phenomenal dish that I just loved.
Shortly thereafter I stopped getting the magazine but I did take a cooking class with Micol at the Institute of Culinary Education. In fact, I took two classes with her - she was great.
I did keep in touch with Micol after those classes as she was tremendously accessible and I thought I could glean from her everything there was to know about starting up a business of my own. She was very generous with her time and wisdom and I've never forgotten that.
She did leave the magazine to branch out on her own and she has been enormously successful. I receive her regular newsletters and review her website often. I think she's amazing and through her I believe I've gotten, at the very least, an education on what real Italian cooking is all about. Clearly it's about the regions and about local foods.
Anyway, I offer this to you as a resource. Use it!!! She's awesome!
Fairway Market/Plainview
Southdown Market
yum,yum...good food!! Yoda
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