Carrots can be tricky - if you under cook them they can taste like the earth in which they grew. If you over cook them, they can taste like the garbage you get in a can. So where is the balance? You must tend to them to find the right moment to remove them from the stove - it's not a long time and it isn't a laborious task, but you want to be sure to get these right. Their natural sugar will be released as they cook and they will become candy sweet and tender, if done right.
These were very good - a hint of ginger and the rich flavor of honey made them sweet but not overpowering. They were just right. I also made these a day in advance and I think that helped to tenderize them. They were easy enough to reheat in the microwave - and quickly!
Honey Ginger Carrots
5 lbs. carrots - peeled and chopped 1/8" inch thick
2/3 cup honey
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/4 cup chopped chives
1 Tbsp. crystallized ginger, chopped very fine
In a large pot, over medium high heat, melt the butter until foamy. Add in the carrots and mix well to coat in the butter - about 4 minutes. Add in the honey, chives, and two gingers and mix well. Cover, lower heat to medium, and let simmer about 20 minutes. Lift cover, mix carrots well and replace cover. Cook another 15 minutes before testing the carrots to ensure desired consistency.
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